Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ballerina's, sailors and tatoos - beautiful vintage photography

I thought it's a good time of the year for some visual inspiration from beautiful black and white photographs.

I started sourcing images and came accross these ballerina's and sailor's etc. The subject matters are so different and yet they have the same haunting feel.

Enjoy xxx

Picture credits
Top: www.alexandrabuddhist.wordpress.com
Bottom left: www.musie.wordpress.com
Bottom right: www.todayspictures.slate.com

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Picture credits
Top: www.vincentandaphrodite.tumblr.com
Bottom: lovekli.blogspot.com

Picture credits
Top: source

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trash to treasure - the up side of upcycling

Upcycling has become a major trend in décor and fashion. I love the quirkiness of taking something that otherwise would have been discarded and transforming it into a fun and clever item.
So you might ask what is the difference between upcycling and recycling? Upcycling is when you use something in its original form and make it into something else. Recycling is when the object changes form to become something else.
Have a look at these very clever fashion items, container housing and other architectural structures and of course – the most adorable décor items.
Picture credits
Bottom right 100percentdelicate.blogspot.com


Picture credits
Bottom fistcityvintage.tumblr.com
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Picture credit
Bottom left opycatcrafts.com

Picture credits
Bottom 100percentdelicate.blogspot.com

Picture credits
Bottom left networkedblogs.com

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Middel cubeme.com

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"As I was driving back from my visit to the National Wildlife Refuge the other day, I was enticed to take a short detour off the main road in Antonito, Colorado. I saw a shimmering structure that looked like a church — but there was something odd and not quite symmetrical about it, even from a distance of three or four blocks.

It turned out to be an amazing construction of what appeared to be recycled boards, windows, rocks, bits of glass, pieces of metal, and many, many aluminum cans. In front was a sign that stated: “Alcohol and Tobacco Is Kills. Mary Jane Is Healing.” Okay, the grammar’s a little screwy, but you get the idea.

I had a feeling the builder may have been experiencing the healing effects of Mary Jane when he or she contrived this monumental edifice. On the other hand, there were all those beer cans — but I guess they could have been Mountain Dew or Coca Cola cans. "

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Color combination station

Struggling to find a color combination that will rock the socks off your décor scheme? Have a look at these pretty partners. Xxx

picture credit  www.style-files.com

picture credits
Top www.myloveinidleness.blogspot.com
Bottom www.homeklondike.com

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Picture credits
Bottom www.slibaba.com

For more color inspiration visit http://www.plascon.co.za/ Especially the inspire me section featuring all the color trends for 2011, paint techniques and living concepts.

I know I’ve featured the color personality quiz from Dulux before but if you haven’t tried it yet, do it now http://www.dulux.co.za/inspiration/chemistry/index.jsp

Earthcote has always been a firm favorite for me. Have a look at their latest project section for some more inspiration http://www.earthcote.co.za/

Picture credit www.care2.com